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Wooden Spoons - 16cm - Pack of 20

Original price €0
Original price €9,25
Original price
Current price €9,25
Current price €9,25
inkl. MwSt. (Brutto)

🌳 Natural birch wood

📏 Length: 16 cm

🔨 Shatterproof

👅 Tasteless

♻️ Sustainable

🚫 Plastic-free

🌿 Free from chemical additives

quantity advantage: 20 piece
0.46 € Stk.
0.27 € Stk.
(43% savings)
0.099 € Stk.
(79% savings)
0.078 € Stk.
(83% savings)
0.056 € Stk.
(88% savings)
In stock
In stock
In stock
In stock
In stock

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SKU 6000005

Birch wood




16 cm


200 x 20 | 4000 pieces per box



VEs pro Karton

200 units per carton




Wood - 16 cm - Birch wood - Splinter-free

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Natürliche Rohstoffe

biologisch abbaubare Alternative zu Plastik

Stilvoll & robust

Ofen-, Mikrowellen- und Kühlschrank geeignet


perfekt geeignet für kalte & heiße Speisen

Wooden Spoons - 16cm - Pack of 20

Discover sustainable enjoyment with our wooden disposable spoons!

Made from natural birch wood from controlled cultivation, they offer the perfect alternative to conventional plastic tableware. Our spoons are splinter-free, stable and tasteless, so they leave a pleasant mouthfeel, free from any chemical additives.

Product details:

  • Material: Natural birch wood
  • Dimensions: 16.5 cm
  • Properties: Shatter-free, stable, tasteless
  • Biodegradable
  • Ideal for catering, events or picnics

Sustainable alternative:

Using our wooden spoons is not only environmentally friendly, but also extremely practical. After use, they can simply be disposed of in the organic waste bin without burdening the environment more than necessary.

Versatile application:

Whether for barbecues, weddings, events, outdoor activities or picnics, our wooden spoons are the ideal solution for every occasion.

Enjoy your food on the go or on special occasions with our sustainable wooden cutlery. Order now and actively contribute to environmental protection without sacrificing comfort and quality! 🌱🍴

Häufige Fragen

Disposable wooden cutlery offers a number of notable benefits that make it a preferred choice for environmentally conscious consumers and event planners. One outstanding plus point is undoubtedly its environmental friendliness. Unlike traditional plastic cutlery, wooden bio cutlery is biodegradable and can be easily composted. This not only reduces environmental pollution but also actively contributes to minimizing global plastic pollution.

In addition to its ecological compatibility, wooden cutlery also impresses with its aesthetic qualities. The natural texture of the wood gives the cutlery a charming and attractive appearance that plastic cutlery cannot achieve. Whether for festive occasions or cozy meals outdoors, wooden cutlery gives every table arrangement a touch of rustic charm or elegant simplicity.

In addition, wooden cutlery is not only biodegradable but also versatile. It is sturdy enough to withstand different types of food, be it hot or cold, making it a practical yet environmentally conscious choice for a wide range of uses.

The term "organic disposable tableware" refers to tableware made from renewable and organic raw materials. These include materials such as wood, palm leaves, sugar cane and paper. Unlike conventional disposable tableware, which is often made from non-renewable resources such as plastic, organic disposable tableware is made from natural materials that are biodegradable or compostable. This means that after use, they can easily break down into organic components without leaving behind harmful residues. Organic disposable tableware is therefore an environmentally friendly alternative that helps reduce the carbon footprint and minimizes the impact of disposable products on the environment.

The wooden tableware is ecologically produced and is part of a sustainable manufacturing process. The birch wood used is certified and comes from sustainable forestry. This means that the wood comes from forests that are managed under strict environmental regulations to ensure the long-term health of the forest ecosystem.

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Was ist die Wisefood Garantie?

Qualität, Nachhaltigkeit und Preis stehen bei uns an oberster Stelle. Wir sind erst glücklich, wenn unsere Kunden zufrieden sind. Viele unsere Kunden sind uns seit Jahren treu und dafür sind wir sehr dankbar. Falls doch mal was bei deiner Bestellung schiefgeht, kannst du dein Produkt kostenlos retournieren.

Über den Chat sind wir übrigens 24/7 für unsere Kunden erreichbar - für Fragen zu Bestellungen und Produkten.

~ Patricia
Gründerin von Wisefood

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