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disposable tableware

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    Sichern Sie die Frische und Qualität Ihrer Speisen mit unserem verstärkten Aludeckel! Dieser robuste Deckel aus hochwertigem Aluminium bietet eine ...

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  • Eckige Alu-Menüschale mit abstehendem gerollten Rand 2-geteilt 352/460ml 227x177x30mm

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  • Eckige Alu-Menüschale mit abstehendem gerollten Rand ungeteilt 1150ml 227x177x30mm

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    Entdecken Sie die praktische Vielseitigkeit unserer eckigen Alu-Menüschale mit abstehendem gerollten Rand, ungeteilt 1150 ml! Diese Menüschale aus ...

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  • Eckige Alu-Menüschale mit abstehendem gerollten Rand 2-geteilt 440/580ml 227x177x39mm

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    Erleben Sie die praktische Vielseitigkeit unserer eckigen Alu-Menüschale mit abstehendem gerollten Rand, 2-geteilt 440/580 ml! Diese Menüschale aus...

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  • Eckige Alu-Menüschale mit abstehendem gerollten Rand 3-geteilt 280/200/480ml 227x177x39mm

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  • Einweghandschuhe Vinyl - Größe S ungepudert

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  • Kaffeebecher - 10oz 90mm Topline

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  • Riffelbecher - 300ml 12oz braun All natural

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  • Snackschale Snacktray 215 x 160 x 50 mm Kraft Braun

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    Der Snacktray aus braunem, robusten Kraft-Papier ist die perfekte und nachhaltige Lösung um deinen Gästen Snacks zu servieren. Egal ob du heiße Sna...

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  • Papier-Handtücher - 2-lagig 25 x 21 cm - weiß

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  • Eisbecher braun All Natural 300 ml, 10 oz - Ø 97 mm, 60 mm hoch

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  • Lunchbox Take Away Box Snackbox 180 x 120 x 50 mm

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  • Lunchbox Take Away Box Snackbox 124 x 65 x 50 mm

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  • Pappschüssel / Papierschale / Salatschale Bowl Einweg weiß - 13 x 18 x 3 cm

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    Unsere weißen Fingerfood Schalen aus Papier sind nicht nur stilvoll und robust, sondern auch nachhaltig, da sie eine Alternative zu Plastikschalen ...

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  • Papierstrohhalm - Individuell bedruckt - Ø 12mm, Länge 24,5 cm - Wunschfarbe inkl. Pantone - Trinkhalm Pappe

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    Unsere Nachhaltigen Einweg-Strohhalme sind die perfekte Alternative zu Plastikstrohhalmen. Durch die wasserbasierte Beschichtung, die ohne Plastik ...

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  • Papierstrohhalm - Individuell bedruckt - Ø 10mm, Länge 24,5 cm - Wunschfarbe inkl. Pantone - Trinkhalm Pappe

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    Unsere Nachhaltigen Einweg-Strohhalme sind die perfekte Alternative zu Plastikstrohhalmen. Durch die wasserbasierte Beschichtung, die ohne Plastik ...

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  • Papierstrohhalm - Individuell bedruckt - Ø 10mm, Länge 20 cm - Wunschfarbe inkl. Pantone - Trinkhalm Pappe

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    Unsere Nachhaltigen Einweg-Strohhalme sind die perfekte Alternative zu Plastikstrohhalmen. Durch die wasserbasierte Beschichtung, die ohne Plastik ...

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  • Papierstrohhalm - Individuell bedruckt - Ø 8mm, Länge 20 cm - Wunschfarbe inkl. Pantone - Trinkhalm Pappe

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    Unsere Nachhaltigen Einweg-Strohhalme sind die perfekte Alternative zu Plastikstrohhalmen. Durch die wasserbasierte Beschichtung, die ohne Plastik ...

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  • Papierstrohhalm - Individuell bedruckt - Ø 8mm, Länge 14.5cm - Wunschfarbe inkl. Pantone - Trinkhalm Pappe

    Original price €546,99
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    Unsere Nachhaltigen Einweg-Strohhalme sind die perfekte Alternative zu Plastikstrohhalmen. Durch die wasserbasierte Beschichtung, die ohne Plastik ...

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  • Papierstrohhalm - Individuell bedruckt - Ø 6mm, Länge 24,5 cm - Wunschfarbe inkl. Pantone - Trinkhalm Pappe

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    Unsere Nachhaltigen Einweg-Strohhalme sind die perfekte Alternative zu Plastikstrohhalmen. Durch die wasserbasierte Beschichtung, die ohne Plastik ...

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  • Papierstrohhalm - Individuell bedruckt - Ø 6mm, Länge 20 cm - Wunschfarbe inkl. Pantone - Trinkhalm Pappe

    Original price €653,99
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    Unsere Nachhaltigen Einweg-Strohhalme sind die perfekte Alternative zu Plastikstrohhalmen. Durch die wasserbasierte Beschichtung, die ohne Plastik ...

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Good for the environment: disposable tableware made from sustainable materials

People in industrialized countries are becoming increasingly aware of the effects of climate change. Extreme weather conditions and natural disasters are due to increasing global warming and the associated decisions by companies and private individuals with regard to their CO2 consumption. It has long been known that the use of fossil fuels harms the climate and the environment. However, it is not just industry that is responsible for rethinking consumption. By not using plastic products made from petroleum, each individual can do something to protect the environment.

Advantages and disadvantages of conventional (plastic) disposable crockery

In the past, disposable crockery was mostly made of plastic and you made up your mind few thoughts on the process of garbage disposal. Tableware made from sustainable materials such as wood or sugar cane was often labeled "eco" and therefore rarely bought. Only in recent years has something changed in general awareness and the thought of environmental and climate protection also plays a role when buying disposable tableware.

The EU ban on disposable tableware has been in effect since July 3, 2021 from plastic production. In concrete terms, this means that the following items may no longer be manufactured: cutlery, plates, bowls, drinking straws, cotton swabs and balloon sticks made of plastic and polystyrene. Shops and restaurants are allowed to continue to spend their remaining stocks for a transitional period. After that, however, retailers and restaurateurs as well as private households will have to adapt.

But why disposable tableware at all? Are reusable and plates made of porcelain and not the much better alternative? The big advantage of disposable tableware is that it is practical and unbreakable and can also be conveniently and easily disposed of with household waste after use. While the purchase of reusable tableware is worthwhile for catering establishments, many private consumers still rely on disposable tableware for special occasions - for example for private parties or other events such as birthday parties, children's play dates or family reunions. Other popular areas of application are outdoor events such as trips to the zoo or picnics in the countryside.

Unfortunately, conventional (plastic) disposable tableware has some disadvantages. These are to be found in the manufacture or raw material of plastic tableware and its disposal. Crude oil, a limited raw material, is used to manufacture most types of plastic. Ethylene, propylene, butylene and other hydrocarbon compounds are produced through the distillation of crude oil into petrol and the so-called cracking process. Plastic is then produced by synthesis, which can be shaped as desired.

The second major disadvantage of plastic is that it is not biodegradable, making it an environmental problem. The reason for the new EU regulation was the fact that more and more plastic parts are being found on European beaches. Studies on the increasing pollution of the world's oceans with microplastics also give cause for concern. Today, around 10 out of 30 tons of plastic end up in the sea - and the number is increasing. Given that many types of plastic take hundreds of years to break down, this is a good reason why plastic packaging and products are now being banned from retail. Last but not least, water pollution also has negative consequences for birds and other animals, which mistake plastic parts for food and die from it.

The status quo: Poor recycling of (plastic) disposable tableware

Too Plastic waste is increasing continuously in Germany And industry is only partly to blame for this: In 2019, around 85 percent of all plastic waste came from private and commercial end users. This corresponds to a waste volume of 5.4 million tons of plastic.

In Germany, around 90 percent of plastic waste is collected again. However, only just under half is recycled. Other sources speak of only around 20 percent plastic that is traceably recycled. The legally binding recycling target for 2022 is 63 percent.

This means that a large part of the plastic waste is not recycled and is therefore incinerated or even sold abroad. The reason: The economic benefit for the disposal companies is when the waste is incinerated than when it is recycled. Also, most disposal facilities are unable to identify and sort out the many different types and pieces of plastic. This is how actually recyclable plastic often ends up in the incinerator.

Wisefood provides the solution: disposable tableware made from sustainable materials

Wisefood is committed to the use of sustainable disposable and reusable products in gastronomy and private households. Our goal is to provide more and more people with high-quality products made from sustainable materials for everyday use. Organic disposable tableware not only offers the advantage that its production and disposal are particularly environmentally friendly, but it also looks natural, high-quality and elegant. High-quality disposable tableware made from sustainable materials is also very stable. Meals can be easily transported and attractively presented in it.

As a wholesaler and retailer of organic disposable and reusable tableware as well as organic to-go packaging, we offer numerous sustainable items. In our disposable tableware collection you will find a wide selection that will make it easier for you to organize your everyday life in a sustainable way. Our products help to avoid plastic waste and give you a clear conscience during private celebrations or other occasions.

There are a whole range of alternatives to disposable plastic tableware available in our online shop for equipping your household. In addition to plates and bowls made of palm leaves in various shapes and sizes, paper plates that can be used in a variety of ways are also available from Wisefood. There are also edible tableware sets, drinking and ice cream cups, wine and champagne glasses and shot glasses.

While our sustainable cardboard party plates are suitable for any type of event and can be easily disposed of with waste paper, our palm leaf products are even suitable for use in the oven, microwave and refrigerator. Produced sustainably and climate-neutrally, palm leaf tableware is naturally water-repellent. This means that it does not have to be additionally coated before use and is therefore free of chemical additives. Disposable tableware made of palm leaves, it even scores well in the European Consumer Association's test for harmful substances, making it ideal for barbecues and birthday parties.

Would you like to find out more about the sustainable palm leaf product? Then read here how palm leaf tableware is made:

Betel nut palms are grown in tropical climates on palm plantations. This form of palm cultivation is particularly widespread in Southeast Asia. In fact, the primary focus on the plantations is not the harvesting of the palm leaves, but that of the betel nuts. During cultivation, however, the palm leaves accumulate several times a year as a natural raw material.Then all you have to do is collect the fallen leaves. The process of making crockery from this natural product is very simple: After the leaves have been cleaned with water under high pressure, they are pressed into any desired shape at high heat and pressure. There is no need for additional coatings or the addition of chemical substances. The palm leaf tableware is ready!

The most sustainable disposable alternative are edible products, which are available in a large selection in our online shop. The edible tableware sets, mugs and glasses are not only sustainable, but also really tasty - and of course food safe. The items are made from carefully selected raw materials in a certified production facility that meets the highest production standards. Just like untreated wood, our edible tableware can also be disposed of with organic waste.

From organic to-go cups made of cardboard to plates made of palm leaves to edible tableware sets for gastronomy and catering, everything is represented in our online shop. Simply choose your desired product and look forward to your sustainable delivery in one to three working days.

Everyday and party: possible uses for organic disposable tableware

The ecological disposable tableware from Wisefood is not only suitable for the long-planned family celebration, but also for parties with friends or the next children's birthday party. A set of disposable tableware is worth its weight in gold, especially at celebrations to which more guests are invited than there are plates in the kitchen. During festivals that include several meals a day, the supply of tableware is quickly exhausted. Organic disposable tableware is a great alternative here to provide food for all guests. After all, no one wants to stand in the kitchen washing dishes while the festivities are in full swing. In terms of hygiene, it also makes sense to use disposable cutlery made from environmentally friendly materials on such occasions, which can then be disposed of with organic waste.

With high-quality disposable tableware made of palm leaves, you also show your guests that you know what's trendy. A suitable table decoration made of natural materials also enhances the banquet table. Of course, all products made from sustainable materials are 100 percent tasteless. After the guests have gone home, you just collect the disposable tableware and conveniently dispose of it in the organic waste bin or on the compost bin.

Particularly at children's birthday parties, many guests come together at once. If you want to spice up the celebration, you can serve the children ice cream in disposable organic crockery instead of on plastic sticks or with plastic spoons. This not only leaves a good impression on many guests, but also saves you having to do the dishes afterwards. With edible disposable sundaes you give the children's birthday party an extra kick.

Tips on the use and correct disposal of organic disposable tableware

Disposable tableware made from biodegradable Materials is an eco-friendly alternative to serve food in an environmentally responsible way at celebrations of all kinds. The raw materials used are sustainable materials, which is why the products can be completely composted after use. However, to ensure that you get the best out of your organic disposable tableware and ultimately dispose of it in an environmentally friendly manner, there are a few things to consider.

Disposable tableware is not called "disposable" for nothing. Due to the high-quality material, disposable plates or cups made of palm leaves and edible materials are very robust and protected against rapid soaking (e.g. from fats and oils).Nevertheless, the products - especially in the case of commercial use - are designed for single use. In the private sector, multiple use - after careful rinsing of the respective products - is quite conceivable. However, you should keep in mind that the best possible quality of our disposable products is only guaranteed if they are used once.

Our tableware made of palm leaves is not only impressive in terms of sustainability, but also visually. Each part is unique and differs from the others. Differences in the surface structure and feel are therefore quite normal and are due to the fact that it is a genuine natural product. This is noticeable, for example, in the fact that the bottom of our bowls and plates is not entirely flat. The underside of the palm leaf crockery is slightly curved, which means that the crockery does not always lie completely flat on the table. However, this "problem" can be easily eliminated by putting plates and bowls to their intended purpose and filling them with plenty of delicious food.

The feel of our organic quality tableware also leaves nothing to be desired. The crockery not only looks chic, but also feels very valuable. Cheap-looking plastic plates, from which you only eat scantily, are finally a thing of the past. Instead, the crockery is a real eye-catcher and can be easily integrated into any type of table decoration.

While our edible items and paper cups and plates are generally only suitable for single use, our palm leaf plates are very stable. No matter how big the hunger is - our bowls and plates made of palm leaves can take it. So they win the comparison to the wobbly plastic plates, which often buckle.

Disposable tableware made of palm leaves doesn't have to hide when it comes to resilience. Plates and bowls can withstand hot food as well as liquids and sauces. So there is no risk of soaking when serving greasy and oily dishes. Since palm leaf is a natural product, the stability of the products may change under the influence of hot liquids. You can feel this because the palm leaf then becomes a little softer. However, this is not a problem for a single use.

If you want to use disposable plates and bowls made of palm leaves several times, you will find that our products can be rinsed off without any problems. As a rule, all leftovers can be removed - only sauces and greasy dishes may discolour the material. The hot dishwater softens the plate temporarily, but it regains its original shape after drying.

And how do you properly dispose of organic disposable tableware? With the growing popularity of single-use crockery made from natural materials, the question of how to dispose of it correctly also comes up more and more frequently. And in fact, there are a few points to consider when disposing of them, because the different sustainable materials also require different disposal measures.

Whether it's disposable tableware made of palm leaves, bamboo or sugar cane - with each material you should consider the question of how to dispose of organic disposable tableware appropriately. Our edible crockery as well as our wooden and bamboo crockery parts are completely biodegradable and can therefore be disposed of in organic waste or on the compost after use. In principle, however, consumers should make sure that the products are really ecologically harmless and biodegradable when they buy them.

Would you like to put your disposable tableware in the compost after use? Then it is advisable to tear through the plates and other dishes several times before mixing them with the other organic waste. The reason: This increases the surface area for bacteria to attack, which then take over the composting. The exception is tableware made from palm leaves, which cannot be easily torn through due to its stability.

Alternatives to disposable plastic tableware

Disposable tableware made from bio-materials is now very well represented in the market for disposable tableware and packaging. A lot has happened in recent years due to the increasing pressure from politics and environmental protection associations. At least since the EU-wide ban on plastic for packaging and tableware was passed, numerous sustainable alternatives to plastic tableware have been developed. Every year more products come onto the market - and make plastic dishes less and less attractive.

The alternatives to conventional plastic tableware can be used in a wide variety of areas and not only offer restaurateurs and caterers, canteens and festival operators, but also private individuals tangible advantages. So there is now the right organic disposable tableware for all purposes. If you want to serve your guests fresh smoothies, you can use a cup made of sustainably produced cardboard. Are you throwing a party for friends or family and want to present homemade appetizers in an appealing way? Palm leaf bowls with their elegant and timeless design are ideal for this. If, on the other hand, you are serving ice cream at a children's birthday party, you can use the edible cups in various sizes from our range.

There are therefore plenty of alternatives to disposable plastic tableware. They are made from sustainable materials such as bamboo, wood, sugar cane bagasse, palm leaf, cardboard and agricultural residues. In the following we give an overview of the products most frequently used in the production of organic disposable tableware:

- Tableware made from sugar cane: The most frequently used alternative for the production of disposable tableware is sugar cane, which comes from Asia. Tableware made from sugar cane not only withstands cold and heat, but is also water and grease resistant. It is even suitable for use in the microwave and can be completely composted after use. The so-called bagasse of the natural product is used to manufacture disposable tableware - i.e. the fibrous residue of the sugar cane, which remains after the canes have been pressed and during the extraction of sugar juice. The fibers are processed using water and a natural binder and pressed into the desired shape.

- Bamboo tableware: Disposable tableware made of bamboo, which is very similar to that made of wood, is also popular. In addition to straws and cutlery, there are now also plates and bowls made of bamboo. The advantage: bamboo is extremely stable and completely compostable. Attention: When buying, make sure that the dishes are made of pure bamboo. Many reusable and disposable bamboo products are made from a mixture of bamboo fibers and plastics. These are often harmful to health.

- Dishes made from agricultural residues/wheat bran: Products made from consumable wheat bran are edible and therefore also completely biodegradable. Since wheat bran is a waste product of flour production, disposable tableware made from this material is considered to be particularly sustainable. Mixed with water and other chemical (but harmless) substances, agricultural leftovers such as wheat bran serve as an excellent tableware alternative.The particular advantage of crockery made from agricultural residues is that - unlike sugar cane, for example - they do not have to travel long distances.

The market therefore offers numerous options when it comes to avoiding plastic waste. Disposable plastic tableware can easily be replaced with products that protect our environment. Replace plastic wherever there are ecologically responsible alternatives and take a look around our shop!

Sources: budget/ One-way plastic ban-in-the-eu-these-are-the-alternatives-61089 1763390
https://utopia. de/guide/disposable-tableware-how-sustainable-are-the-alternatives-to-plastic/ %2017%20percent%20traceably%20recycled, the%20quality%C3%A4t%20of%20new%20plastic. dispose-of-eco-disposable-tableware-correctly-5821
