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🎁 Gratis Produkt📦 Versandkostenfrei ab 49€ 💰 Mengenrabatte ab 100€ 🚚 Versand in 1-2 Tagen
Kostenloser Versand ab 49€ 🚚 Versand in 1-2 Tagen
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Edible drinking straws - inner Ø 3 mm, outer Ø 5 mm - thin - 22.5 cm long (black straws)

Original price €0
Original price €1,99
Original price
Current price €1,99
Current price €1,99
330.0 g | €6,03 / kg
inkl. MwSt. (Brutto)
  • Edible drinking straws
  • Color: black
  • Length: 22.5 cm
  • Inner Ø 0.3 cm, outer Ø 0.5 cm
  • edible
  • sustainable
  • ideal alternative to plastic drinking straws
Quantity advantages 🔽 Select here: 100 straws
0.02 € Stk.
0.017 € Stk.
(15% savings)
0.016 € Stk.
(20% savings)
0.015 € Stk.
(25% savings)
0.013 € Stk.
(35% savings)
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Auf Lager - Lieferung in 1 bis 2 Werktagen

Kostenloser Versand ab 49€

365 Tage Bestpreisgarantie


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SKU 5.010.000

Edible drinking straws - inner Ø 3 mm, outer Ø 5 mm - thin - 22.5 cm long (black straws)

Our sustainable, edible drinking straws are the ideal alternative to plastic straws.

The edible straws are manufactured in IFS-certified production facilities in Germany, according to the highest production standards and with selected raw materials from Germany. No plastic is used in the packaging either!

The drinking straws can be used in a variety of ways, whether for hot or cold drinks. They are stable for 60 minutes at room temperature and up to two hours with cold and alcoholic beverages.

And the best thing about it: With your edible straws you avoid unnecessary plastic waste and make your own personal contribution to protecting our environment!

    Together we have already replaced over 100 million plastic straws. What are you waiting for?


    durum wheat semolina, wheat gluten, apple fibers, acidifier: citric acid; maltodextrin, natural flavor, coloring: vegetable charcoal; Sweetener: steviol glycosides

    May contain traces of egg .

    allergens: gluten; traces of egg


    Pack of 50 straws weighs 330g
    Pack of 1200 straws weighs 3.7kg

    Was ist die Wisefood Garantie?

    Was ist die Wisefood Garantie?

    Qualität, Nachhaltigkeit und Preis stehen bei uns an oberster Stelle. Wir sind erst glücklich, wenn unsere Kunden zufrieden sind. Viele unsere Kunden sind uns seit Jahren treu und dafür sind wir sehr dankbar. Falls doch mal was bei deiner Bestellung schiefgeht, kannst du dein Produkt kostenlos retournieren.

    Über den Chat sind wir übrigens 24/7 für unsere Kunden erreichbar - für Fragen zu Bestellungen und Produkten.

    ~ Patricia
    Gründerin von Wisefood

    Schneller Versand & Bestpreisgarantie

    Schneller Versand & Bestpreisgarantie

    Unsere Kunden legen großen Wert auf Geschwindigkeit und attraktive Preise. Daher gibt es bei uns kurze Lieferketten, um keine unnötigen Kosten zu produzieren. Die meisten unserer Produkte beziehen wir direkt aus der Produktion ohne Zwischenhändler.

    Solltest du unsere Produkte irgendwo günstiger finden, so schreib uns einfach eine Nachricht.

    Unser Lagekapazitäten umfassen über 10.000 Palettenstellplätze im Großraum München. Dein Paket verlässt bei Bestellungen vor 14 Uhr noch am gleichen Tag unser Lager. Die Lieferung erreicht dich oft schon 1 Tag später.

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    Nachhaltig verpackt

    Nachhaltig verpackt

    Unsere Produkte versenden wir über DHL "GoGreen" klimaneutral. Für unser Büro und Zentrallager in Garching bei München verwenden wir 100% Ökostrom aus erneuerbaren Energien. Zusätzlich kompensieren wir für zahlreiche Produkte den Co2 Ausstoß mit unserem Partner ClimatePartner und forsten unter anderem Wälder in Deutschland auf.

    Unsere Kartons sind gut gepolstert durch unser intern hergestelltes Verpackungspolster. Dieses stellen wir klimaneutral aus überschüssen Kartonagen her und vermeiden dadurch Altpapier. Viele Tonnen Müll konnten wir so bereits vermeiden.

    Our edible drinking straws

    Wisefood is the market leader for environmentally friendly and edible disposable tableware. The range of products includes drinking straws, cutlery, plates, bowls and mugs. Every day we work with great motivation to develop more practical and helpful products that contribute to waste avoidance. We are proud of what we have been able to achieve together with our environmentally conscious customers. Awards such as “Germany Land of Ideas” and the EIT Food Award motivate us to further expand our mission. Environmentally friendly production, the use of renewable raw materials and short transport routes are part of our recipe for success. Convince yourself of our delicious products.

    Bye Bye plastic disposable tableware!

    The start in the summer will be environmentally friendly. In 2019, the European Parliament voted to ban the sale of single-use plastic from July 2021. A sensible step in the fight against the plastic flood. Cutlery, plates and cups made of plastic and polystyrene, which are only intended for single use, are a thing of the past. The future belongs to reusable, eco-friendly alternatives. Accurate data on plastic straw consumption is based on estimates only. In Germany alone, around 40 billion plastic straws are said to be consumed every year. Plastic straws create unnecessary waste that often ends up in oceans and rivers. Whole pieces of plastic and small microplastic particles cause long-term damage to ecosystems. It's time for a rethink. With the environmentally friendly alternative from our company, no one will have to do without drinking with a straw in the future. Our edible super straws are vegan and consist of apple fibers in combination with durum wheat semolina. This gives the biodegradable straws stability. The environmentally friendly super straws last up to 60 minutes in drinks. In cold and alcoholic drinks, the natural straws retain their firm consistency twice as long. After just under 20 minutes they reach the perfect consistency to be eaten.

    Environmentally friendly drinking pleasure with a crisp

    Our drinking straws should not be missing at the next celebration or a cozy get-together with friends or family. The apple fibers give our super straws a subtle, fresh and fruity taste. Nevertheless, they are almost tasteless. We attach great importance to environmentally friendly production. The raw materials come from the region. Short transport routes ensure an optimal ecological balance. The main ingredients of the Superstrame are so-called apple pomace. We use raw materials that are produced in apple juice production anyway. Even during the manufacturing process, the natural straws have a better ecological balance than conventional plastic products. In the initial phase, the founding team worked intensively on the optimal product composition. Environmental friendliness, durability and neutral taste were important criteria. The joy of experimentation and effort have paid off. Our edible drinking sticks have an optimal shelf life and do not react immediately with the drink. The drinking tubes are made in Germany. The only exception are the 25 cm long straws, which are made in Italy. The light straws consist of durum wheat semolina, wheat gluten, apple fibers and a natural aroma. The dark ones also contain vegetable charcoal as a coloring agent. Our products are made entirely from renewable raw materials and do not contain synthetic coloring or flavorings. Quality and customer satisfaction are particularly important to us.That's why we have our internal company procedures and production processes regularly checked and certified according to international standards. The audit with the IFS Food certificate (International Featured Standards) and HACCP certifies optimal product quality and compliance with legal requirements.

    Sensible alternative for private individuals and gastronomy

    The biological alternative to conventional straws convinces the buyers. In total, the super straws have replaced more than 50 million plastic straws to date. Environmentally friendly products are trendy. According to Federal Environment Agency, the green products have already firmly established themselves in everyday life in private households. No wonder, after all, there is a better feeling in the end. The topic of sustainability is also gaining in importance in gastronomy. The conventional plastic straws are particularly easy to replace with environmentally friendly alternatives. As a result, a considerable amount of plastic waste can be avoided each year. Restaurants and bars are thus positioning themselves in the sustainable segment. Environmental awareness is a valuable unique selling point in customer acquisition and retention. Already in 2011, more than half of the catering establishments worked with sustainable suppliers. This trend is likely to become even more important in the future. If you are looking for other environmentally friendly alternatives to plastic, take a look at the complete product range. With the sustainable Superspoons you can enjoy your ice cream without creating waste. In the hotel and catering industry, the single-use plastic ban is easily implemented. The spoon remains stable for five to seven scoops of ice cream. Smoothie bowls, yoghurts or the milk foam of the coffee can be spooned wonderfully with it. Stirrers for hot drinks, sushi sticks and crockery complement the range in a useful way. Plates, bowls and cups made from natural materials not only contribute to avoiding waste in restaurants and hotels. They are perfect for a picnic in the countryside or a cozy barbecue in the garden.

    Buy super straws conveniently online or from our retail partners


    In our online shop you can order the practical and environmentally friendly all-round talents with just a few clicks - from home or during your lunch break at work. The holistic concept of sustainability is firmly anchored in our corporate DNA and accompanies us in all value-added steps, from production to packaging and delivery. Our team works every day to develop and critically examine new ideas to make our processes even more environmentally friendly. Ever since we were founded as a student project, we have been on the way to becoming the market leader in the segment. We are happy about all customers who support us in realizing our visions and ideas. You can buy our entire product portfolio in stationary stores from our partners and in our online shop. Retailers, restaurants and wholesalers benefit from attractive retail, restaurant and wholesale prices. Of course, we offer different packaging units for every need. Do you have questions about prices and order quantities? Write to us at You can find an overview of our wholesale partners here.

    Order delicious drinking straws for home or for your company now and help reduce waste.
