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Lid Octa salad bowl RPET transparent 1000ml

Original price €0
Original price €290,55
Original price
Current price €290,55
Current price €290,55
inkl. MwSt. (Brutto)

♻️ Sustainable: Made from recycled PET (RPET)

🔍 Transparent: Clear view of food for an attractive presentation

🥗 Perfect fit: Ideal for Octa salad bowls with 1000 ml volume

🌡️ Versatile: Suitable for cold and slightly warm dishes

🚚 Safe transport: Stable and leak-proof for hygienic delivery

✅ Disposable: Easy to dispose of and reduces cleaning effort

quantity advantage: 1 box (= 400 pieces)
In stock
In stock

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SKU 281985-1





23.3 ø cm


50 pieces per unit



VEs pro Karton

8 units per carton




R-PET - Transparent - 1000ml

Lid Octa salad bowl RPET transparent 1000ml

R-PET - Transparent - 1000ml

The lid for the Octa salad bowl RPET transparent with a capacity of 1000 ml is the perfect addition for sustainable presentation and safe transport of your food. Made from recycled PET (RPET), this lid fits perfectly on the Octa salad bowl and is ideal for restaurants, takeaways and catering that value environmentally friendly packaging and an attractive presentation. The lid is transparent, robust and closes securely, so that your dishes stay fresh and appetizing for a long time.

Product details:

  • Material: Recycled PET (RPET)
  • Dimensions: Suitable for Octa salad bowls
  • Capacity: approx. 1000 ml (for matching bowls)
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Transparent surface for attractive presentation
  • Stable and lightweight
  • Ideal for safe transport
  • Suitable for cold and slightly warm dishes
  • Perfect for takeaways, restaurants and catering

Sustainable design for environmentally friendly packaging solutions

The Octa salad bowl lid is made of recycled PET, a material that helps reduce plastic waste through recycling. By using RPET, you are opting for an environmentally friendly solution while strengthening your company's ecological profile. Customers appreciate the conscious use of recycled materials while enjoying fresh and tasty dishes.

Practical application for versatile dishes

The Octa salad bowl lid is suitable for a wide range of dishes - from crisp salads to cold snacks. Thanks to the transparent surface, you can present your dishes attractively and at the same time protect them hygienically. This lid is ideal for keeping dressings and sauces in the bowl without them leaking. The lid protects your food, whether cold or slightly warmed, and ensures that it reaches the customer in perfect condition.

Robust and safe – ideal for transport

The lid for the Octa RPET salad bowl is lightweight yet sturdy, meaning that even heavier dishes can be transported safely. The secure fit ensures that the lid sits firmly on the bowl, ensuring high hygiene standards during transport. The disposable design also makes disposal after use easier and reduces cleaning effort for catering establishments - a practical solution for everyday needs.

Versatile for cold and slightly warm dishes

Whether for fresh salads or slightly warmed dishes - the lid for the Octa salad bowl RPET is flexible and suitable for various applications. Its transparent structure enables a stylish presentation while preserving the freshness of the food and maintaining the shape of the packaging. This versatility makes it the ideal choice for takeaways and restaurants that offer a variety of dishes and want to transport them safely.

Order the environmentally friendly lid for the Octa salad bowl RPET with a volume of 1000 ml now and offer your customers a sustainable, hygienic and attractive way to enjoy their food. This lid combines functionality with a clear message about environmental protection and ensures that your dishes are served safely and freshly.

Häufige Fragen

Yes, the lid is ideal for a wide range of dishes, including salads, bowls, cold snacks and slightly warmed dishes. Thanks to the transparent surface, the contents remain attractively visible, which is particularly attractive for to-go dishes. The flexibility of the lid to keep different foods fresh makes it a practical choice for restaurants and caterers with a diverse range of offerings

The lid is designed to sit securely and tightly on the matching Octa salad bowl, providing a leak-proof seal. This tight fit is ideal for catering and takeaway businesses that need to transport their food safely without worrying about spills. Even with heavier or fuller dishes, the lid remains stable, ensuring that food arrives at the customer in an attractive and hygienic manner.

The lid for the Octa salad bowl RPET is primarily designed for cold and slightly warm dishes. It is made of recycled PET, which is heat-resistant, but is not intended for very hot dishes or long-term heating. Cold and lukewarm dishes, such as salads or carefully heated dishes, remain safe and fresh thanks to the robust and transparent surface. For very hot dishes or microwave applications, a lid made of more heat-resistant materials is recommended.

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~ Patricia
Gründerin von Wisefood

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